Web Sites

Social Democracy: Dead as a Dodo, or the Only Option?

On September 24th, 2013, Broadbent Institute Chair Ed Broadbent gave the 2nd annual Jack Layton Lecture at Ryerson University.

Watch the video here.

On the Line: An eco-adventure documentary like no other. Follow Frank Wolf and Todd McGowan on a 2,400 km journey by foot, bike, raft and kayak as they seek to uncover the truth about a proposed 5.5 billion dollar oil pipeline.

Watch full-length documentary here .

Mulcair's NDP: The New Liberal Party

Published on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 on the New Socialist web site

Tom Mulcair has been the leader of the federal New Democratic Party for more than eight months now. His leadership has largely been as expected: solid, competent and moderate. Mulcair has continued Jack Layton's strategy of trying to supplant the Liberals as the middle-of-the-road alternative to the Harper Conservatives. Read more.

NDP chooses leader committed to proportional representation

Fair Vote Canada (FVC) congratulates Thomas Mulcair, a proponent of proportional representation, on winning the leadership of the federal New Democratic Party.

“The majority of Canadians (68%) want electoral reform, so we all benefit when a leader is chosen who has made a commitment to bring a fair and proportional voting system to Canada” says Fair Vote Canada president Shoni Field.

Read more.

Common Dreams is a nonprofit, progressive, nonpartisan citizens' organization founded in 1997 by political activists Craig Brown and his late wife, Lina Newhouser. We are a powerful online voice for change.
Occupy vs. the Global Race to the Bottom

Incorporating corporate globalization into the Occupy analysis and agenda by Robin Broad and John Cavanagh
Ever since the first tent was pitched in Zuccotti Park in September 2011, the Occupy protests have been giving life to a "99 percent movement." Expect to hear a lot more from them: plans for a 99 percent spring-starting as early as April-are now in the making.

Read More.

Ceasefire.ca web site

Vic Toews is watching you

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews took a break last week from his busy schedule of tracking down terrorist environmentalists, expanding the prison system, andapproving information swaps with torturers to put Bill C-30, the disingenuously named Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act, before parliament.  Read More

Bill C-30 is here.

On the Amnesty International web site

Read about

The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples
UN body to investigate violence against Indigenous women in Canada

13 December 2011 10:33 am

Posted by: Craig Benjamin

Canada's failure to to address violence and discrimination against Indigenous women and girls has become so glaring that a prominent United Nations body now feels compelled to step in.

To read more and to visit their site, click here.
Common Dreams

For their special coverage on the Occupy movement, click here.

Peggy Nash Releases 5-Point Plan for Achieving Women’s Equality in Canada

Toronto / 11 January 2012 – Peggy Nash, MP for Parkdale–High Park and NDP leadership candidate, released today her five point plan for achieving women’s equality in Canada.
The equality statement follows on the heels of a Pan-Canadian Feminist Potluck hosted by her campaign on January 8 during which Nash dialogued on women’s issues with over 400 participants in 11 locations across the country and hundreds via the internet and social media.
     About making equality a central policy issue in her campaign, Nash said: “If the whole world agrees that women’s equality is a critical marker of a society’s security and sustainability, there is no excuse for the lack of women’s full equality in Canada.”

Check out the site here.

Democracy Watch

Mission Statement: Cleaning up and making governments and corporations more accountable to you, and making Canada the world's leading democracy

Definition of Democracy:A DEMOCRACY IS a society in which all adults have easily accessible, meaningful, and effective ways:
-to participate in the decision-making processes of every organization that makes decisions or takes actions that affect them, and
-to hold other individuals, and those in these organizations who are responsible for making decisions and taking actions, fully accountable if their decisions or actions violate fundamental human rights, or are dishonest, unethical, unfair, secretive, inefficient, unrepresentative, unresponsive or irresponsible.

To read more about Democracy Watch, click here.


November 20

Christopher Hume on the Occupy Toronto Site

The Occupy Toronto encampment has gained the attention of the Star's Christopher Hume. Not for its architecture - but for its existence.(Video by Randy Risling)

You can view this video.

Fair Vote Canada is a multi-partisan national citizens campaign promoting fair voting systems for use in elections at all levels.

Heart of the Problem

Canada is one of the few major nations still using the first-past-the-post voting system (FPTP). Most of them scrapped this winner-take-all system last century. Why? Because it fails to provide representation for all voters and it usually fails to provide legitimate majority rule. In other words, winner-take-all voting subverts the core principles of representative democracy.

To read this article and others concerning the votong system in Canada, click here.

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